A sudden blackout can be quite jarring, but there’s no need to panic. If you find yourself without power, stay calm and take the necessary steps to maintain your safety and comfort. Whether the outage is limited to your home or affects the entire suburb, there are a few actions you should take to handle the situation effectively.
Experiencing a Blackout? Read this:
- Identify if the power loss is limited to your home, is affecting multiple homes, or is a suburb-wide issue.
- Inspect your to see if any switches or fuses have tripped – this could indicate you have an electrical fault.
- Turn off electrical appliances to avoid damage from a power surge. Leave one light on to know when the power is restored.
- Keep your fridge and freezer doors shut to maintain temperatures for as long as possible.
- Listen to a battery-powered or car radio or check online with your Network Service Provider for updates.
What to Do When Your Home Loses Power Unexpectedly
Discovering that your home suddenly has no power can be a bit alarming and confusing at the same time. The silence that accompanies the darkness can be unsettling, but it is important to keep your wits about you and act wisely.
The first thing you should do is work out if the power outage is due to an electrical fault such as an overloaded issue within your own home, or if it’s affecting your wider area.
Check Your Fusebox First, But Call the Experts if You’re Unsure
Begin by safely inspecting your fusebox to see if you have a tripped fuse (if you are not sure what you’re doing, it’s safer to just call the team at Fox Electricians on 0415 177 025 and we can help guide you). A blown fuse or a tripped circuit breaker could point to a fault with an electrical appliance or with your home’s wiring. If you notice this, it’s worth calling a qualified ’emergency electrician’ such as those that work at Fox Electricians. We can help you to resolve the issue safely and effectively.
Check With Your Neighbours to Confirm if It is a Widespread Power Outage
If you can’t see any switches that have tripped, check with your next door neighbours to see if they are also experiencing a power outage. If you can confirm the issue affects your entire street, or suburb, it could be either a planned or unplanned power outage.
Your Network Service Provider will notify you ahead of a schedule planned outage in your area and the expected restoration time for power will be known. Check for planned outages on your Network Service Providers website. To find out if your Network Service Provider is AusGrid, Endeavour Energy or Essential Energy refer to your power bill.
Unplanned power outages can occur from time to time without notice. An unplanned power outage can be caused by many things, such as damage by fallen trees during a storm or an unexpected fault in equipment. By nature, you will not be informed prior to an unplanned power outage.
For the most up to date information on the power outage please contact your Network Service Provider. Each provider has information on outages on their website:
Remember in the event of a life threatening emergency call 000.
What to do when you’ve got a blackout
The first step is to take some precautionary actions. Turn off all electrical appliances right away to avoid any damage from potential power surges once electricity returns. However, keep one light switched on as it will signal when the power is back on.
While the power is out, it’s wise to keep your refrigerator and freezer doors shut to retain cold air and help prolong the freshness of your food. Once the power is restored, inspect all food items carefully for signs of spoilage or defrosting. It’s better to err on the side of caution than to risk your health with potentially unsafe food (no one wants food poisoning!).
If the situation feels overwhelming at any point, or you are concerned about the potential dangers associated with an electrical fault, do not hesitate to reach out to the team at Fox Electricians on 0415 177 025. Our qualified electricians can provide peace of mind and ensure that your home is safe and sound for when the electricity supply is back up and running.
Ensuring Safety During a Power Outage
During a blackout, it’s crucial to take proactive measures to reduce risks and prevent accidents or damage. Below are essential precautions to help you stay safe and protect your home during a power outage. By acting quickly and being aware of blackout safety protocols, you can ensure that a minor inconvenience doesn’t escalate into a more serious situation.
Identifying Electrical Hazards
If you find yourself in sudden darkness, the first thing you should do is check your surroundings for any electrical hazards. Fallen or exposed wires pose a serious danger, so make sure to keep at least 8 metres away from them and contact your Network Service Provider right away. Alertness to these hazards can prevent electrical shock incidents, keeping you and your family out of harm’s way. If you’re uncertain about the risks, do not hesitate to contact an emergency electrician such as Fox Electricians on 0415 177 025 for help.
Protecting Sensitive Electrical Appliances
To safeguard your valued electronics from being damaged by power surges, unplug them as soon as possible. This includes sensitive items like televisions, computers, and Wi-Fi routers. By doing so, you’re taking a crucial preventative step to ensure that once power is restored, these devices remain intact and functional. For items that are difficult to reach or chronically plugged in, consider investing in surge protectors for future blackout safety measures.
Proper Use of Heating and Cooking Alternatives
With a loss of electricity, you may need to resort to alternative heating or cooking methods. It is imperative that you refrain from using gas, wood-fired, or charcoal heaters indoors due to the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Instead, consider safer options like battery-operated heaters or wearing layers of clothing for warmth. If you must cook, ensure any alternate devices are used in a well-ventilated area and kept away from flammable materials. Never leave heaters, candles, or cooking equipment unattended to prevent fire hazards.
Outage Preparedness: Blackout Emergency Kit
Experiencing a blackout unexpectedly is never ideal, but with proper preparation, you can reduce stress and enhance safety by assembling a blackout emergency kit. This kit should include LED torches with fresh batteries to provide safe and efficient lighting during an outage. Staying updated by following your Network Service Provider’s alerts or listening to the local radio will help you stay informed and ready for any developments.